Thoughts while Traveling


It's hard being a dreamer and trying to explain to a non-dreamer what your plan of action for your life is. Especially to a non-dreamer that you have just met. And actually, being a dreamer doesn't necessarily mean you are aware of your specific calling and won't stop till you get there, although there are those types of dreamers. Justin leans toward that pursuasion, while I have so many dreams going on I have to constantly lay my life down and TRUST that the Lord will use whichever one He needs most. And that works for me. It wouldn't work otherwise. Justin has had in his heart since he was a child a dream...and it will come to fruition.

Patience and Persistence.

We talked about confidence -and the lack thereof that creeps around in us at length last night.
We have come to the crossroad, and we have chosen this certain path. Our creator is on our side, how can we lack confidence? Our confidence is HIM! Our flesh is weak and needs to stay right there where it is. Our hope is in you, God! Don't let us start trying to be strong in ourselves. YOU.

Patience and Persistence.
TRust and Faith.
posted by A. St. at 7:29 AM


Hey - I miss you guys, and I want you to know that I've been thinking about you a lot lately. I've recently been reminded of who I am supposed to be, about the importance of covenant, about the importance of an unrelenting faith in Jesus. Satan will use every tactic to batter your faith. Don't let him. Bind him. Give him da boot!

Keep faithin' it. I love you guys!

2:16 AM  

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