Thoughts while Traveling


Today was a very long day at work. But, it all became ok when I came home to my fabulous husband who had cooked dinner and looked so cute. He's great and I feel so blessed. I say that simply because (and every married person out there can identify, I am sure..) sometimes you don't FEEL blessed even though you know deep in your soul that you are. The there are the moments when you get to feel it. And it's good. We had our dinner out on our porch underneath the plants we have hanging (that miraculously are still thriving) ~me sitting in my awesome hammock chair(which my husband so lovingly installed). It was nice. Peaceful. i love our little place. It's OURS. I feel like I am at HOME. I like it. Justin, I am so glad that you are mine. No one else would do.

I hope that I can still feel peaceful when life picks up very soon. Classes start Monday. Work continues. Discipline. Structure. Time management. Stretching. Growing. Bring it on.

posted by A. St. at 9:20 PM


anna and justin, the portrait of wedded bliss. unlike the marital discord i caused between the folks coming home from spain with a nose ring. martha says "you're a pagan, i can hardly look at you" while vern says "it's not really any of our business, is it?"

anyway. i'm in newfoundland! we FINALLY made it....ill be telling you all about the trip at some point. nevin says hey. AND we stopped in "carol's pipes" somewhere in maine to look for a pipe for justin, but it was different kind of pipes, if you know what i'm well as some porn. so we hightailed it out of carol's pipes in a jiffy. YIKES.

hope you guys are doing well. probably won't see you till jeff and janette's wedding. how was first day of school? did justin make you a lunch? he should have. and put it in a hard plastic she-ra lunchbox.

okay i'm out. be good.

9:25 PM  

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