Thoughts while Traveling



So I have decided to vote. But first, I have decided to educate myself a bit more in politics, as much as it makes my eyes droop in weariness. I have browsed many sights, looked through magazines, watched a little news, and even the first debate( fell asleep halfway through)...and I think I know which way I headed, although I am not committing quite yet. The most recent bit of information I read was, well...rubbish, if it's at all true:

Regardless of the outcome of Mr Rove's strategy, America looks ever more divided along cultural lines. The Republicans are becoming the party of committed Christians, the Democrats that of committed secularists. The 2004 election could well turn into a choice between Michael Moore's “Fahrenheit 9/11” and Mel Gibson's “The Passion of the Christ”. Hardly an appetising development for those who didn't warm to either film.

Let us think through what a committed Christian is. Not in the sub- culture we call Christianity (Christian music, TV, etc...whatever, don't get me going on that) but more in a WHO DO WE WANT TO BE MOST LIKE kind of way. Perhaps a WHO DO WE LIVE FOR or a WHOSE KINGDOM DOES THIS WORLD BELONG TO ANYWAY kind of way. Think beyond the kingdom of men. How would Jesus approach these issues, and much more importantly, the people behind them (think social, moral issues)?

I refuse to say any more. I was warned by my very wise father (the earthly one) to not talk about politics, especially where I am working and going to school right now. If I share in this blog, it will be as abstract as possible, however I am challenged by all of this....not to be a pharisee or the like, but to be more like Jesus.
posted by A. St. at 2:57 PM


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