Thoughts while Traveling


So I REALLY wanted to get my ars out of bed earlier than usual this morning. Did it happen? No. I Like to feel at least a bit prepared for the day, and us rushing out of the house at 6:40 so that Justin can dangerously speed across town to work, inevitably bringing about road rage whilst of course blasting Coldplay in the CD player. Meanwhile, there's me in the passenger seat, desperately trying to put on my mascara in the midst of the madness and reciting and trying to recall the lines of the monologue I am auditioning with tommorow. It's a crazy life, I tell ya. We need to get ourselves together. Geez.

Anyways, God still provides a whisper of his peace, even in the whirling of the storm. (speaking of storms, Lord bring your peace to your children suffering in Florida) Since we were more rushed than usual this morning, I didn't get a chance to make my morning coffee, which is imperative to my well being. WEll, thank God I work in the student center where they serve Starbucks coffee every morning. In a pinch, that'll do. :) So, I sleepily make my way down the hall to the the cafe, and I am greeted by my favorite person here. I should know her name, however I stink with names (fatal flaw) so of course I cannot remember. But, she can still be my favorite, yes?

I am obviously not quite awake fully, due to my rambling.

What's my point?

Oh yes. God spoke his peace to me through Starbucks. And the nameless "favorite" woman.

How, you ask?

Well, she's always singing, this woman. She is so full of joy it's absolutley contagious. This morning I asked her what she was going to sing for me. She in turn asked me what kind of coffee I was drinking. I answered "SUMATRA." (all Starbucks connoisseurs will smile and nod) It's the monster of all starbucks coffee (at least here it is) and packs a mean punch at 7 am. Just what I needed. Anyways, she then says, "Oh girl, I got the SUMATRA song for you this morning. It's the only appropriate one." (I am intruiged and excited to hear what comes next)
She starts singing, well, more like bellowing the gospel song "I go the rock", and people, her voice filled the entire bottom floor of the student center, I am sure of it. It was awesome. Talk about a call to worship on a Friday morning...

What a great way to start the day. Wish you could meet my (nameless) friend who is usually more like an angel from Heaven directing my hands up to God and my heart towards my Father, the rock of my Salvation. "It's a great day to serve the Lord, walking in the light of God." (everybody up now, and start walk, walk, walking!)

posted by A. St. at 7:50 AM


cute picture.

see you thursday?

7:26 PM  

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