Thoughts while Traveling


Signs of Life

The moving of fingers, the blinking of eyes, three taps with a finger perhaps speaking "I love you"...or perhaps "let me go..." ~ could be one one in the same. I hear these things over the phone, many miles away. These are the moments we have a choice, all of us. To allow confusion, anxiety, bewilderment, and sadness overtake us...or the other option: to take the opportunity to accept what has been spoken before. There is a force larger than us at work. Perhaps this is an opportunity to obey, concede, and watch miracles happen. Perhaps.

And then, in a foreign land, a mother and fighting for her life, one in which she has no idea the incredible value of. The price that was paid for her. Nicole will probably never read this, but I know that God has placed in her a calling as beautiful as the heart He placed in her. Lord, grant her peace and courage, simultaneously, today. Show through her a real and tangible picture of you to her mother. Give her a chance to see. Both of them.

posted by A. St. at 2:26 PM


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