Thoughts while Traveling


"Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck..." Proverbs 3:3

Things I am learning:

~ life truly is a circle.
~ It can ALL be redeemed.
~ God's ways are higher.
~ It's very true that "To whom much is given, much is required."
~ There is no greater joy than serving.
And on a lighter note:
~ a diet high in fiber reaps great benefits.

God has answered my prayer. He has done it and I am alive again. I have been priviledged to serve my friend in need these past few weeks, being a caretaker after a rough and invasive surgery. The everyday things that we take for granted until we can't do them ourselves anymore. A lesson has been learned from both be able to surrender and let someone help you, and the absolute fulfillment that comes through being a servant. Thank you, God, for teaching us these things. And binding hearts together in the process.

To be able to feel someone elses burden is a gift we often take for granted as well. It keeps us real, keeps us seeking. Numbness is deadly and neglect is poison.

"The magic moment is that in which a 'yes' or a 'no' may change the whole of our existence..."
(paulo coelho)

posted by A. St. at 7:30 AM


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