Thoughts while Traveling


Relaxing weekend in the mountains at our favorite bed and breakfast in the place we got married...awwwwwww, isn't that sweet? It was quiet and good. Justin had his first massage and we have made a believer out of him (yay!) Read another good book, soaked until I was an absolutely rotten prune in the hot tub, and had to be drugged and dragged down the stairs to leave. Had dinner with an old couple celebrating their anniversary, he was a bit of a lush with the champagne and wine and she was a refined French woman. Justin got to brush up a bit on his favorite language...that was our weekend in a nutshell. Twas a nice one.

Possibilities of a new job have arised, and I am totally leaving the situation in the hands of God with no anxiety attached. That's a good feeling, for one who is accustomed to anxiety attacks and stress overload. I am of course open to a promotion and more responsibilty in an environment that is better suited for me, but I am content however the Lord leads.

We are starting up a female exlusive Bible study this Saturday, which I am excited about. It has been a while since I have had the chance to be knitted with a group of girls and able to fellowship and share and pray...should be good. It's important and I excited to get going.

It's cold as mess here....and it's a wet cold due to the ocean which makes it feel arctic. It is supposed to snow and I am praying that it snows GOOD. A day being trapped inside would be nice. Why am I talking about the weather? Wow...anyways...peace abounds.

posted by A. St. at 7:07 PM


Hey you guys! I was wondering if you know that in order to read all of your blog you have to scroll back and forth across the screen. I love the blog, I hope you know that but the scrolling can become quite dizzying.

Love you both,

11:50 AM  

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