Thoughts while Traveling


Several of our friends had to write a paper in a film class this past semester and had to explore, research, and defend their stance on being actors in this world we find ourselves in. As a Christian, what would you be willing to do or not do on stage? What determines for you what roles you would accept or reject, knowing full well that your income and sustenance depends on working in this field? And let's face it, the odds of getting enough roles in a year as a workig actor to make it financially are slim to none. Simply getting to be on stage is what keeps your sprit going, while waiting tables or being a secretary (or whatever else) is what pays the bills. Justin and I engaged in several conversations concerning this topic, and it is one that is inevitablty going to haunt the actor following Christ. This brings me back to the topic of late: obedience. Walking in the Spirit...not in fear but in full confidence in your Father who is your provider. Obedience. Is He who has called you not capable of fulfilling your needs?

"Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one off these. If that is how God has clothed the grass of the field, which is here today and tommorow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or "What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' ~ Matthew 6:29-30

As I was clicking away last night I came across this article:

Trailblazing Media Arts
A friend of mine just moved to Hollywood. She'd had a corporate job overseeing a 64 million-dollar yearly budget, with 200 people under her. But she's also a fine actress and feels called as an ambassador to the arts. She doesn't care about being a star, she just wants to use her acting gift. She also wants to be "salt" to those she works with, and do silent intercession for the whole industry while she's on the sets. A director asked her, "How can you be an actress with integrity if there are roles you'd refuse because of your faith?" She said, "If I accept a role then refuse to perform it, I'd lack integrity. But if I reject a role because of its contents, then I'm operating with full integrity regarding my faith and my craft."

There may not be a lot of easy answers for artists bold enough to venture beyond the church. And like all of us, they'll stand accountable to God for how they used, or buried, their talent. The fact is, many of our artists are called to "plant and water" among the lost. We need to stop pressuring them to conform their art to fit standard "pulpit" giftings. Perhaps it's their audience, not their art, that God wants to change.

Why not publicly anoint our artists, affirm their giftings, and commission them to their mission field? The whole church could even promise their support and prayers while they're out there blazing a trail for others to follow. If we did this, maybe, just maybe, the Holy Spirit will inspire a few of them to present God's power and love in ways that are so relevant, bold, and innovative that people around the world will be shaken with the reality of Jesus the giver of every good gift.

And if one of these young artists happens to ask us for advice, we need to take a deep breath and be sure we don't discourage a God-inspired idea, no matter how crazy it might seem. In fact, it might serve us well to think of what we might have advised that young healing evangelist if He had submitted His prompting to us by saying, "God is telling me that if I spit in the dirt and rub mud into this guy's eyes, his blindness will be healed."

~ last days ministries ~

Whatever your passions, your calling, what gets you up in the morning...consider the source in which has called you and...obey.
posted by A. St. at 8:28 AM


thats awesome food for thought. i remember you talking about it before but i dont think i ever really sat and considered it before....the way i did as i read that article.

the arts. somehow it feels different than the rest of the "secular world," but the truth of the matter is this: every man has his own mission field and would do well to realize it as such. if we all started trailblazing, being the SALT in the places we set foot each day, the "church" wouldn't know what hit it.

we are so used to being christians to each other. i am so used to reading books on ministry and theological discussion that i forget that my commandment was not to go forth and be discipled by c.s. lewis or go forth and intellectualize the end of the day, yes i am concerned for my spiritual growth but i am MORE concerned for the SALVATION of those who don't yet know the truth.

i think des is right about people needing to be less self-interested. it's just that i only now realized that that statement applies to ME.

:: steps down from box ::

good to see you guys last weekend. :-) i hope you are both doing well and are getting ready for the WEEKLONG BEACH EXTRAVAGANZA that will be july 24-30. i know i am.

i found this site from a comment kim touchton left for kathy stock. i sent it to booth because it made me think of his fire. check it out.

12:16 PM  

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