Thoughts while Traveling


I feel compelled to share my more exciting events of the day.

The people that answer the main line for Regent were out to lunch today and I had the priviledge to answer the phone. One guess at how many irate people I spoke (or rather listened) to in that hour regarding the millionth (ballpark guess) media mistake made by Mr. Robertson?


And oh, how I wanted to agree with every single one of them that although he claims to be a spokesperson and a leader for Christians on television sets all over the world, the majority of what he says is far from the teachings of Jesus. At the very least I wanted to assure them that everyone at Regent University doesn't share his views. Of course I was instructed to keep my mouth shut and give NOTHING of my opinion. Not that I would- I am a professional and have a little bit of self- control. Geez...and you know what the kicker is? I am certain that I would lose my job in an instant if I did say anything. I could probably even get fired for this blog entry if the right person read it. It WOULD be worth it if I had the chance to share Jesus with one person on the phone~ would it not?

Rebellious spirit cowering for fear of losing job.

Did Jesus say to not worry about what you wear, or eat? That we should be anxious for nothing?

Yes I believe he did say that.

Why do I feel like crawling under my desk and hiding?

I know~ I am being dramatic.

I am just tired of my spirit fighting so hard. Really. Confusion starts to seep in slowly and soon permeates- and confusion is not of the Lord.

Make me like a child, Lord. Let me simply sit in wonder of you rather than being tossed and turned like a tumble dry on regular. Let me rest the eye of the storm once again...
posted by A. St. at 4:17 PM


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