Thoughts while Traveling



I was thinking of a few of the unique and splendid places I have visited and daydreaming about being there again.

A few places I would give my left arm (or leg) to live for a while:
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La Boca in Beunos Aires. All the buildings look like this. How would you like to wake up, look out your window and see a bright stucco rainbow in every direction? South American flavor...
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A tiled flat in Lisbon, overlooking a cobblestone street below. Ahhhhhh....
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Underneath a Dr. Seuss tree in Livingstone, Zambia. Just far enough from Victoria Falls to not feel the constant spray, but close enough to hear God's splendor in the thunderous wonder.

I know----I am just having one of those days----off in lala land.
posted by A. St. at 2:49 PM


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