Thoughts while Traveling


The week that was ~ just an update with visual aids

The week was eventful.

Said "goodbye" to our friends. They are just moving to San Diego,
but that seems really far right now.

This kid makes me happy. Little Noah...

Interviewed for a new position at work. Could be a good thing.

Theo was ...well, castrated yesterday. Poor baby. Walking around bumping into everything with that huge collar thing on his head. Can't scratch, can't play with his paws, or his stitches- that's a good thing. Justin keeps referring to a line from a play written by Kahle, a friend of ours. That "he is now a mere husk of what he once was." And mom talks about it "breaking his spirit..." I don't think so. He will live longer and be healthier. So there aren't "sexcapades" in his future? He'll be alright.

my sweet Theo.

Family news: Booth won the "Billy Graham Evangelistic Award" at youth councils. I am so proud of him. Of course I had to find out from dad. I am so proud of you, my brother. You are having a great year, and you deserve it, baby.

Sarah and Jeff are in Atlanta. Praying for you guys as you keep getting closer to discovering the "right fit" for your future together. Praying for your discernment, wisdom, and open doors. Getting more and more excited about the big day -

Lazy Saturday mornings are nice.
posted by A. St. at 8:55 AM


Hello Street family! Good to see you guys are doing well up in Norfolk. Those pictures of Noah are cute. Tell Theo, who by the way looks huge, getting fixed doesn't mean there will be no sexcapades, just no consequences of illegitimate puppies along the way!

3:18 PM  

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