Thoughts while Traveling


Yashir koyech - May your strength continue

My co-workers just presented me with a lovely card saying goodbye. That was nice.
My last day in student loans. Can't say I am bummed about that. On to new things, as always! I had an interview last night that went swimmingly! Pending a background check, I believe I am in. That feels good. If I do get the job, I am told by the agency that found me the job that I will get every Jewish holiday off. That's just amazingly sweet. Anyone have any plans for Hannukah?

Update on the eye twitch. The bugger lasted for a good 31 hours straight, but was gone when I woke up this morning. It was unfortunately replaced with a headache, but hey, progress is progress.

I just ordered all of my groceries online and they will be delievered to my house between 3 and 5 tommorow. God, I love New York. My favorite part of the experience, (other than walking 10 blocks) was this exerpt of the confirmation email:

You'll know your order has arrived when a uniformed FreshDirect delivery person appears at your door bearing boxes of fresh food.

It's the little things.

I am beginning to feel a freedom in my soul that I haven't felt in a long time. When my circumstances are very unsettled I deal with some intense anxiety at times. This week has been one of those times. But as I am working on the discipline of "taking every thought captive to Jesus" my load lightens with each step. I am longing and desiring to do so when times are settled and easy, instead of only when my heart is in turmoil. Swelling in my heart since yesterday, is a song! Do you know how long it has been since I have had a song in my heart?? Not just in my mind, but seeping into me, penetrating my emptiness and my soul? These words contain my story. They comfort me, they convict me, they fill me with peace and with hope, they connect me to my Maker. Thank you, my Father.

When peace like a river attendeth my way.
When sorrow like sea billows roll.
Whatever my lot Thou hast taught me to say,
"It is well, it is well, with my soul".

My sin oh the bliss of this glorious thought.
My sin not in part but the whole
Are nailed to that cross and I'll bear them no more!
Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, O my soul!!

It is well (It is well)
With my soul (with my soul).
It is well, it is well with my soul.

And Lord please haste the day
When my faith shall be sight.
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll.
The trump shall resound
And the Lord shall descend!
Even so, it is well with my soul.
posted by A. St. at 3:11 PM


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