Thoughts while Traveling


I miss blogging. It's like my emotional dumping ground. Although I try to not be too raw and explicit in my written thoughts, that's what the bog remains for me: THE DUMP. Not to be confused with the incredible furniture store here in Norfolk called THE DUMP...we love that store. As soon as we have a place to call our own and get out of our friends' hair and personal space, we are for sure going to be customers of that place. THE DUMP.

Speaking of our friends, I really feel like we are cramping their style. It's been what, 3 1/2 weeks? It's kinda rough being in such close quarters with another newlywed couple. They are doing us the hugest favor in the world...I just want to be overly gracious, and...well...that's hard for me sometimes. My name means "full of grace". Yes, my parents were smoking some kind of herb when they decided on that name for me. Perhaps parsnip, Justin thinks. Anyway, I hope it won't be much longer. The Lord has provided above and beyond all our needs so far, so we are anxious for the last few pieces of the puzzle to fall into place. Police Academy, and a fabulous little flat in the historic Ghent district of Norfolk...with a quaint porch and a little garden. I have it in my mind, the perfect place. Now all you have to do, God, is make the rent affordable, and we shall have our wish. What do you say? That's easy enough for you. I am sort of kidding...God knows my heart. Nuff said.

I am blessed. I got the job I wanted. Start tommorow morning, I will, at Regent University in the admissions office. Praise the Lord...I don't know if I have ever been so excited about going to work. I know it is the Lord's will, because quite frankly, I walked out of the interview worried if she thought I was retarted. I was worried, it wasn't my most confident of moments...but alas, I got the job. Yeah! Perhaps even more than the very adequate salary I will receive, I am very, very blessed to also receive a HUGE tuition break as a student. God, can you be more cool? ( The only thing I can think of is the affordable rent...:)I love you, Lord. Thanks again for the job.

Went to a cajun festival today. Yum. Good food and kicking music. What a great day.
posted by A. St. at 7:22 PM


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