Thoughts while Traveling


We went on a date last night, to the Olive Garden and to a Shakespeare festival in Virginia Beach. We saw an interesting version of "Twelfth Night" which was good for both of our souls, I think. All in all, it was a very enjoyable evening spent with my husband. I just want to say for the record that I am so blessed to be in a marriage where both of us share so many interests. I realize that not all marriage exists this way, and that's ok...I am just grateful that mine is. God knows what we need...

My favorite part of the play (besides SOME good acting)was the director's notes in the playbill. May they make you go "hmmmmmmmm" like they did me.

"Illyrian's are the strangest people I've ever met. They live on their little island,and don't much listen to or care about what the rest of the world thinks of them.They're vain and self absorbed. Their children grow up fast and frustrated because they're exposed to so much irrational behavior by the adults around them.Grown ups in Illyria are always saying they believe in something and then doing the opposite. That's confusing to the poor kids; their brains are still hot out of the oven. But the Illyrians don't notice. They don't realize that other people are laughing at them. They have no idea the world has outgrown their rigid thoughts and customs, and have a hard time seeing themselves as anything other than the perfect endpoint of human evolution.They're not curious enough, don't qustion themselves enough, and complain constantly instead of going out and making things better. After having spent some time with them, I think I have found the problem: they just think they're right all the time. Thank Go we're not Illyrians." -Matthew Friedman
posted by A. St. at 9:59 PM


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