Thoughts while Traveling



My world as a student this semester is revolving right now around a research project with a group of people that have quickly become family....that's a whole story in itself. God is so weird, unexpected, and creative. It's almost maddening sometime when I sit and try to figure out His thought process. Like that's possible..."Your ways are higher than our ways..." Anyways, what a can of mixed nuts...Lori, Jon, Melinda, Dez, and What a cornocopia of ideas, personalities, and walks of life. I am blessed to have made contact with these individuals.

Ok. Back to the project. We conducted a focus group on Saturday morning and ended up with quite a diverse group of people that discussed drama and theatre arts within the church. It was very interesting. Some of the more intruiging responses were:

"This (drama presented in church) is not expected to be professional!"

"If you can't put your best foot forward, don't do it."

"We are presenting the King of Kings here. We should be the absolute best salespeople that exist."

"Drama is one of the best teaching tools that exist. We should be following Jesus' model of storytelling."

Typical views from various sides, congregations, geographics, races, etc...All in all, good stuff to think about when approaching this issue.

Anyways, life is a whirlwind. There's my random and recurring thought.

Everybody voting on Tuesday? One of my recent pet peeves (never spelled that before?) are preachers who use the pulpit to pronounce their personal political views. In fact, it quite enrages me. I can't stand it, and I want to scream when it happens. Give me a break...

Another thought, totally unrelated:
We went to a contemporary Anglican church this morning. Episcopal. I enjoyed it. I will admit, I had to supress a smile when walking back to my seat after taking communion. Wait, before you label me a heathen, let me tell you why. Upon realizing that the "blood of Jesus that what shed for me" was not the grape juice I was expecting, but instead a nice red wine, I had a bit of a flashback. Family reunion this year...Neva telling Justin, Sarah and I that she attends a certain church because "They have better wine..." Hmmmmmm.....maybe that's not a bad approach...?

I spoke to a voice from the past today. A dear friend and a kindred spirit. One of which I have no need to be afraid. It was a blessing. Maybe that wasn't another lifetime...? Sometimes I wonder.

posted by A. St. at 9:21 PM


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