Thoughts while Traveling



I just ruined breakfast. I've never ruined breakfast before. Usually if nothing is going my way, culinarily speaking, I can turn it around and it will come out finr in the end.

But not today. It's a first. My wife is in the kitchen right now making the most out of my disaster.

I ruined breakfast and it depresses me. The Yankees lost to the freaking Red Sux (typo intended) and that depresses me. Also, it's Saturday morning... remeber when you lived for Saturday morning? Saturdays were the Allied troops busting into the Nazi camp that was your normal everyday life. Saturdays are not what they used to be. Come to think of it, Saturdays have been evolving since the beginning of childhood. Remember when your only responsibility was to watch cartoons and maybe pick up your toys? Then you started getting older and you could help clean more- less cartoons. Then you start adding more responsibility to your Saturdays because there are things you have to do that you can't do in the week.

I'm not bitter. I think all this is just because last night we saw some friends who have a little child. This little child was wearing pajamas- and those pajamas had the feet on them. Why did they stop making those once you reach a certain age? Doesn't everyone want their feet covered? I know I do. It represents a simpler time. You didn't have to be reminded to put your house shoes on or put on some socks- they were ATTACHED! Sweet stuff of life!

Ok, my wonderful wife has fixed one of my messes again and so I must breakfast.
posted by A. St. at 1:00 PM


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