Thoughts while Traveling



Semantics is the word of the day. I like that word. Today was a just a good day for semantics. I still don't know what they were talking about...
I just feel like giggling. I want to sit and giggle until giggling can be no more. Now, that's out of character for me. I don't remember the last time I had a giggling fit. Perhaps it's time for one. Maybe I should get the girls together for a slumber party. Justin can fend for himself :) We could get Lori drunk and just...giggle. Now THAT would be a fun time. What do you think, Melinda? Kicks and giggles.

About a month ago we went on a day trip with a few friends. We started reading the BOOK OF QUESTIONS...and one of the questions we explored was this (or close to it) :

If money were not an issue and you could move to another country of the world and never step back onto American soil again, would you go?

Anyone could probably guess what my answer would be. We're all so different. I don't know what made me think about that, but it came. I miss seeing the world. There is so much more to see. I DO like being able to go the edge of the east coast whenever I please. I love the ocean..the vastness of it reminds me of how small I am and how huge my creator is. I hope I never stop being awed by that.

Ok. So this is definitely another selection of random thoughts. Therefore..onward we go.

In my acting class we have doing Meisner text excercises, and I have enjoyed doing "free association" more than I would admit. It's great to just write whatever comes, no pre-premeditation, no punctuation...basically I have been given an open door to allow my multiple personalities to co-exists and escape! I think I love it.

Guster is for lovers. Virginia is for lovers. To have Guster in Virginia= overstimulation.

posted by A. St. at 6:38 PM


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2:08 PM  

I'm sorry Sarah, I accidentally removed your coomment.
I was just drawn to that little trash can and thought to myself, "Oh, thats cute...what does it do?" It's one of those days...enough said.

Yes, Guster is "that band"~ you would like them.

I would like those over the counter drugs.

I can't imagoine anyone owning YOU.

You will have to remind me how to fix the name posting thingy...?

miss you.

4:47 PM  

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