Thoughts while Traveling



We can all learn a lot in life from a six foot rabbit, not just Elwood.

"My mother used to say to me,
'In this world, Elwood, you must be oh, so smart or oh so pleasant.' For years I was smart. I recommend pleasant."

posted by A. St. at 4:38 PM


Justin, That takes me back to days gone by man. Harvey was one of your better choices in movies. I know, you disagree, because your arguement would be that all your choices were great. While I slept through some, Harvey had me all the way through. I loved the six foot rabbit. Thanks for introducing me to him. I think it's time for another viewing. However, I would have to say that while I didn't agree with all of your choices in movies, I always had a great time just because we all got to be together.

I miss seeing you guys.
Love you both,

10:34 AM  

Actually, this is Anna's post.
Guys, this is a lesson- once you are married there is no longer "yours," there is only "ours." But fret not, it is a wonderful thing. My Harvey is now our Harvey.

7:01 PM  

Justin, dear, you sound a little bitter, like I was sneaky in stealing your precious "Harvey". Don't believe him, friends. "Harvey" is my new found friend and we have a relationship all our own, just me and him. There is nothing "our" about it, Street. :)

10:03 AM  

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