Thoughts while Traveling


Ready or I come...

avoided teachers

mistake n. An error. miss v. To fail to hit, reach, meet, or make contact with (a specific object).
A tearful plea flows from countless committed hearts: “I just don’t want to make a mistake—I don’t want to miss God.”

“I don’t want to make a mistake…”

If avoiding errors were a child’s goal, they would never attempt walking after their first stumble or speaking after their first linguistic bumble. They would quit writing after their first spelling test and quit playing after their first recess.

How wonderful that children do not immediately acquire a gripping fear of failure. They view life and faith as a journey. But as adults, we begin viewing life and faith as a performance.
The focus of a journey is direction. The focus of a performance is perfection.
Pity. Mistakes can be wise teachers—if we ever let them speak.

“I don’t want to miss God.”

He’s really rather big to miss, don’t you think? For devoted hearts, being afraid of missing God is like being in a submarine and fearing missing the water.

We often think of God’s will as a thin, barely visible line, drawn with chalk that blurs in bad weather. However, the scriptures speak of obedience as a path and a way. There is room to learn and grow on this path paved with grace.

God does not play hide and seek with those who have committed their lives to Him. Though the specific placement of His children varies greatly, our callings are quite similar. Jesus simply says, “Follow Me.” God is hard to miss when He’s the One we follow.

posted by A. St. at 7:24 AM


I so needed that today - everyday - as I'm afraid of failure and afraid I'll miss God's plan for my life, especially now that I seem to be praying for His plan to take shape in my life every day lately. I've come to a conclusion. It's this. "But I will trust in Your unfailing love." Psalm 13:5
Thanks for the reminder.

3:46 PM  

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