Thoughts while Traveling


Chapter Three: The Heart of All Things

Ok. I have in fact read on...and I have found that if I allow Him to, God really is opening my eyes to the truth of where I am right now, through this book . Perhaps a glimpse into the "why" of my present existence as I sit here at 7:45 am on November 12. 2004. Thank you, Lord...for your timely wisdom.

"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." ~ Proverbs 4:23

"You are never a great man when you have more mind than heart." ~ Beauchene

Dorothy's journey down the yellow brick road tells quite a story. The tin man. The one without what? He had once been a real man.

"I thought I had beaten the Wicked Witch then, and I worked harder than ever; but I little knew how cruel the enemy could be. She thought of a new way to kill my love for the beautiful Munchkin maiden, and made my axe slip again, so that it cut right through my body, splitting it into two halves. Once more the tinner came to my help and made me a body of tin. Fastening my tin arms and legs and head to it, by means of joints, so that I could move around as well as ever. But alas! I now had no heart, so that I lost all my love fo the munchkin girl, and did not care whether I married her or not...
" My body shone so brightly in the sun that I felt very proud of it and it did not matter now if my axe slipped, for it could not cut me. There was only one danger- that my joints would rust; but I kept an oil can in the cottage and took care to oil myself whenever I needed it. However, there came a day when I forgot to do this, and, being caught in a rainstorm, before I had thought of the danger my joints had rusted, and I wa sleft to stand in the woods until you came to help me. "
"It was a terrible thing to undergo, but during the year I stood there I had time to think that the greatest loss I had known was the loss of my heart. While I was in love I was the happiest man on earth; but no one can love who has not a heart, and so I am resolved to ask Oz to give me one. If he does, I will go back to the Munchkin maiden and marry her."
Both Dorothy and the scarecrow had been greatly interested in the story of the tin woodman, and now they knew why he was so anxious to get a new heart. "All the same," said the scarecrow, " I shall ask for brains instead of a heart; for a fool would not know what to do with a heart if he had one." "I shall take the heart, " returned the tin man, "for brains do not make one happy, and happiness id the best thing in the world." ~ (Frank Baum, The wonderful Wizard of Oz)

If the Enemy can succeed in disabling or deadening my heart, he then has successfully foiled the plan of God...a heart where love reigns. He cannot, will not succeed. I don't want to sleepwalk through life anymore, and that is the plan of the one against my creator.

Like the tin man, I am resolved to ask Oz to give me a new heart.

I just want to proclaim at the top of my lungs "BUT I'M NOT DEAD YET!" ~ just like the dude in Monty Python..."BUT I'M NOT DEAD YET!!!!!!!"

The heart is central. I need oil.

posted by A. St. at 7:42 AM


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