Thoughts while Traveling



Yesterday was a good day. A very productive and peaceful Saturday. Cleaned my house a bit, unpacked from Christmas(I know), went shopping with my husband, had an eye exam and got new glasses (which should cut down on my daily headaches considerably), and spent the evening with some strangers that quickly became friends. Daniel, Danny, and Kim. Daniel (or was it Danny?) cooked an Indian curry dish for us all, and accompanied by a glass of wine and a nice store-bought pound cake, it was a fabulous meal. We had good conversation and played HOOPLAH, which was a barrell of laughs.

Don't you love it when you realize that you would never have the opportunity to meet people unless you met at that one specific time and place? Your circles are different, and you may never would have crossed paths and much less spend quality time getting to know one another, and yet you are unexpectedly thrown together and BAM! You have acquired new friends and better understanding of another culture and another walk of life. I love that.

Justin and I had a intimate and sweet conversation en route to the mall, (and when I say "intimate" ~ get your mind out of the gutter~ I mean we shared our hearts. I would imagine that you married people out there understand what I mean when I say that I cherished that conversation. Sometimes when you go though the day to day grind and live with someone, the easiest thing to happen is to get caught up the the things that don't really matter and actually forget to really speak , and more importantly LISTEN to one another. Discuss what God is revealing to you and praise Him together for those things. Hold each other accountable to be better, and celebrate the unity that you have through God's spirit and with each other. I cherished those moments.

God doesn't continue to bless us without raising the bar of responsibilty we have toward our relationship with Him and our stewardship of those things. We are blessed to be a blessing. I want to be more of a blessing. My hard heart is in the process of being softened by the one who created it. I must be patient and allow God to do this through His perfect timing, but it's like I am finally able to see some small results of this procedure. It's like when you are trying to lose weight and you want so badly to see the CHANGE in your double chin or your wasteline, and yet it takes time, diligence, faith, willpower, and patience. That's exactly what it is like for me.
I am beginning to feel His burden for His people again, and feel compassion for them, and feel compelled to do something. Now I know it's not all about "feeling" (believe me), but I have been made a very feeling person, and for a while I have been unable to feel anything for myself or anyone else. A tactic of the Enemy to debilitate me into being of no use to God and inevitably destroying myself, my faith, and my heart all together. But the good news is that my God is here! He is in the process of redeeming it all. I cling to that reality and Him only in this time of rebuilding.

Nicole called me yesterday from Panama. Her mother is going to survive and although Nicole is lonely and far away, she told she has finally grasped what being a Christian means. The way she talked about God and how He is in control and how now that she has experienced this miracle...was awesome. Beautiful. I almost began weeping with joy as she spoke to me. I cannot wait to see her again and hug her...God is being glorified once again through a tragedy. Wow.

Richard also called me. That was a weird surprise. He is a 50 year old friend of mine who I used to serve tables with at Macaroni Grill in Charlotte. He has a heart of gold and although he is not a believer, God is moving in his heart without him even knowing it. I pray that I have many more opprtunities to share with him...

I have homework that must be done pronto, although I could keep writing all day.

God is good and His mercy endures forver.

posted by A. St. at 1:09 PM


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