Thoughts while Traveling


to be unearthed

Hello world...there is life and life abundant out here! I have only last night for the first time emerged from the crypt ~ well, not quite, that is a bit of an exaggeration. Actually, my absence from all that is living began last Tuesday with a nasty cough that evolved far too quickly into a virus that sent me spiraling into the abyss of the flu or something like it. So, I have been out of commission ever since. Man, I haven't been this sick since the dreaded "kissing disease" in high school! And you want to know the kicker? It was my spring break. Not the kind of spring break that I was going to Cancun or the like, (oh, the good old days before adulthood) however I was still planning on having some kicks and giggles. Since we had no class or rehearsals, I had grandiose plans for Justin and I. Places to go and people to see!! Those of you who know me will understand that I had our evenings carefully planned out and our outings penciled in to the minute. Unfortunately, the only place I was able to see was the darkness in between my flannel sheets along with the occasional porcelain favorite, and the only people I got to see were my favorite daytimers, Oprah and Ellen~ and I must admit it was nice rekindling my friendship with them both. Alas, I have been quarantined from the world until now. Except for our lovely, caring, and stubborn friends Todd and Lindsey, who brought us over dinner one night regardless of the warning not to. Bless you guys. Wow. What great friends. And if it weren't for my darling husband...I can't believe he hasn't flown the coop yet. For real. We have weathered many tests of our commitment to each other in our (almost) 2 years of marriage, I still can't believe we made it through this latest tornado. I am a lousy sick person. Needy and panicky and just don't know. I am a horrible, horrible person when I am sick. And yet he stuck it out with me. I am still really praying that he won't get this, but he has managed to get away scott free so far (well, other than the emotional scarring I may have left). Anyways, I am back. A little weak still, but I am determined to emerge back into society triumphantly since my hiatus.
Adios and blessings today!
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posted by A. St. at 11:32 AM


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