Thoughts while Traveling


Response to Sarah

My dearest Sarah,
I am sure you don't mind me using your comment as an example here...
but isn't that funny that that the arts seem to many Christians as not much of a mission field? Which is such an absurd thought to me, knowing so many lost people that I can call my closest friends through the years.

Mine and Justin's relationship to the "church" has changed dramatically (no pun intended) and I sometimes feel like I am on up a podium being judged for this, by those that we used to sit next to in the pews and those that want us next to them in the pews. There is nothing I can do about that, but let it go and keep seeking my Father's will, following where He leads. God is doing something a little unexpected in us...and leading us gently away from the pews and closer to the battle, on the front line He is choosing us to go "heavy on the salt."

I am glad the article spoke to you on a broader scale. Tis true that the church wouldn't know what to do if alot of us starting being a bit more salty.

It was good to see you last weekend too. I am counting the days to the beach rendezvous. Love you. Give Jeff a hug for me.
posted by A. St. at 12:28 PM


I had this whole entry I was writing but I think its a bit personal to put here. Can I get one of your guy's email so I can send you what I was writing?


1:28 PM  

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