Thoughts while Traveling


God is still on the Throne

We cast our votes this morning along with millions of other sleepy Americans. We stood in line to "fulfill our civic duty" and we fulfilled it. Got the sticker and everything. The rest will be history tommorow morning. Praise God that Jesus Christ has shed His blood for me and for you, and the battle does not belong to us anyway. The Enemy is out to kill, steal, and destroy as usual, and is fighting hard to make slander an idol in itself.

Justin and I spend most of our day surrounded by a "cloud of witnesses"~ those who proclaim the name of Jesus loudly and proudly...and yet the slander that I have witnessed between Christians just this morning at work made my insides churn and my heart ache. Condemning each other to Hell in our judgemental words. God, have mercy on us, your people.

I read one thing that reminded me in the midst of turmoil what is important to remember through all this:

...In the meantime, whatever happens, Christians, whose citizenship is in heaven, cannot be too happy or too angry, because their victory is won not by politics but by suffering and the cross. The real victory is not political. The winner is the triumphant Lord, Jesus Christ, who has written history and will also write its final glorious future.
Peter Jones

I know who I serve and who wins in the end. I pray, Lord, that my focus be on you. How can I be like you today? How can I serve you today? Your will be done.
posted by A. St. at 10:10 AM


Hey Anna and Justin,
I just wanted to say that you guys inspire me - with your words and with your life. I miss you guys. I hope you're doing well.
Love you,

1:40 PM  

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