Thoughts while Traveling


RECAP- JUNE 10, 2005~ never to be again

morbid encounter for the day:

A WWII vet who came to see Guys and Dolls told me that he wanted me to sing at his funeral. How do you respond to that? "Ok - sure, I would be honored! Just tell me when and where..." My hope is that my singing career goes at least a few inches beyond "Requiem Serenader..."

funny encounter of the day:

There is a girl that works down the hall that I ALWAYS see in the bathroom. Today she said we were like those guys on "Scrubs" who are on the same pee cycle. "I couldn't go without you, man!"

Good purchase of the day:

three new CD's -
1. Coldplay- X&Y (a Friday present for Justin~ he walked in mid-blog and did a happy dance.)
2. Anna Nalick - Wreck of the Day
3. The Notebook soundtrack - my personal favorite.

rage of the day:

I am going to have to kill my husband, I just got home and he has taken all of the laundry quarters for probably a refreshing beverage ...or 5. I really could kill him. It will have to wait for later seeing as he's at rehearsal now until 10. He will soon find out that he has no clean underwear for the week. Guess he'll have to flip them inside out. argh. Justin, if you live to read this, let this serve as a it again and "off with your head, Sparky."

Looking forward to a weekend in the sunshine. Hope it keeps shining...
posted by A. St. at 3:30 PM


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