Thoughts while Traveling


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I like grass. I don't know exactly why, but I have always liked grass. Even when it makes your legs itch. I still gravitate towards it.

Today I want to rewrite the entire lyrics of that song by Jewell- what's it called?
The one that starts "It's like rain on your wedding day..." Because, well, life is just one big smelly pile of irony today. Wait, is it called "Isn't it Ironic?" or is that just another line in the song? OH, who cares. I have always found that song to be quite clever, her with her analogies-

NO, really , I have enough to fill up that entire song today. Really.

Do you ever feel so damn misunderstood that you would give anything for a "rewind" button, and right next to that, the big red "ERASE" lever?

I do.

Watched the movie "Capote" the other night. Besides the fact that I totally agree that PSH EARNED the bloody Oscar that is now gleaning his mantle, I haven't been able to stop thinking about one of my all time favorite books for the past several days. "To Kill a Mockingbird." What a great story that we should all read once a year.

I can't dwell in this land right now. On a break from rehearsal. Back to the irony.

I am gonna read that book again on vacation. I owe it to myself.
posted by A. St. at 9:52 PM


yay! a new post! i haven't even read it yet, and it's bedtime, but i'm sure i'll be back and i'm sure i'll love it. next time don't keep us waiting for so long! don't you know people are just itching for some good blog posts? (actually, that makes them all the better when they finally come) ok, I could have already finished reading by the time I finished typing this comment. later.

12:08 AM  

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