Thoughts while Traveling



If someone were to take a picture of me right now, it would reflect a furrowed brow and possibly pursed lips. Maybe even a "stink-eye"~

I am frustrated. It has been a long weekend of unnecessary loafing and sitting around. Backstage. In the green room, waiting for scene shift announcements. I hate technical rehearsals. I can respect the need for them and understand their importance, however as an actor, it sucks. 13 hours on a Saturday and back again on Sunday is wearing me down.

Besides, Sunday nights are precious times for me. When I am quiet and at home, watching TV whilst doing all kinds of other domestic duties, (yay for multi-tasking) inwardly gearing up for the week ahead. It's literally like an IV being stabbed into my drained introverted personality.

I am not bitter because I was yanked out of my Sunday night ritual. Just frustrated.

What I am equally frustrated at right now are ignorant comments. All I wanted to do was watch what I could of "Desperate Housewives" in the green room, and I got bombarded by "That show is so immoral" and "How can watch that garbage?"

I really don't care that I missed it, because it turned out to be re-run. That's not the point.

I get that we are all on different paths and all have our own personal convictions. But that just screamed IGNORANCE to me. None These tow people have never even sat through an episode to see the show for themselves.

First problem: Regurgitated.

I CANNOT STAND REGURGITATED. Especially when it comes to Christians spouting off at the mouth about moral issues.

Yes. It's ridiculous. Yes, from a very wide and blurry view, the show involves sex and . I just want to ask you to look a bit deeper, or simply watch to the end of an episode!! Never does a mistake happen without a consequence. These characters learn from their screw ups. It is written and executed in a very clever, witty, and satirical way. That's what sucks us in and keep us watching. But... The end never ceases to pose a question to the viewer.

In this post modern society that we live in, the questions need to be asked.

There are numerous opinions, I am aware. This is mine.
posted by A. St. at 9:38 PM


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