Thoughts while Traveling


Addendum to "Click"

It is now approaching 1am and my brain still will not shut off!
After my previous blog and frustrations therein, I decided to implore Google and see what came up when searching "Desperate Housewives + Morality."

What I came across was a site called, & more specifically a blog by a woman named Melinda. Her words resonated with my spirit, and reading all of the comments and responses were astonishingly challenging.

Go and check it out if you dare here.
Make sure to read all the comments as well.

It really doesn't matter if we agree or disagree. Much like the conversations I have had with my friends in the green room this weekend, it's what we DO when these questions and challenges are posed that matters. We need to get in the Word, and seek our Father's heart ---only THEN will we know how to live out our faith.

What I agree with the most in this write up is this : Having these conversations about these shows that people are inevitably watching is an open door to the road that leads to Christ- the Way, Truth, & Light. What is the answer to all of this?


So... there is not a "redemptive" ending to the episode or the show. As Disciples of Christ, are we then just going to shrug it off and blame it on the writers of the show for not taking us viewers to the finish line? OR are we going to take the torch and run with it- finishing the glorious story of grace and redemption? In our own lives, and in the lives if those that need it desperately?

Will I one day face Jesus and He says to me, "What you did NOT do for the least of these, you did NOT do for me"? That He will say to me, "You did NOT meet these souls where they were and finish my story."

This whole thing was birthed out of frustration this evening. I have, in the midst of frustration, become convicted and challenged. Challenged to be more pro-active. To share what is revealed to me as truth and as opportunity. It's more than a silly TV show, yes. However, if this silly TV show and countless other "silly" things that are relevant to this culture can open a door for me to share the Truth, I will take it. I should be "seeing with Spiritual eyes" the world around me, and RESPONDING accordingly.

Challenged & fired up,

posted by A. St. at 12:42 AM


i just read a great article by Russ Rook that relates to what you're talking about that I think you'd find helpful. It's called "Here Is The Love".

2:36 PM  

i just read this article by john fischer, it reminded me of your post and the bigger picture.

"The news clip was a story about how some people thinking they are accessing Christian radio stations via satellite are getting Howard Stern's satellite feed instead. I had to laugh out loud. At the risk of displeasing some in our audience, I'm going to say they deserve it.

What I mean is: They deserve to face the irony of the situation. I really wouldn't wish Howard Stern on anyone, especially a fellow Christian, but I do have to chuckle over anyone tuning into Howard Stern when they think they are tuning out the world. Here you have someone trying to keep the world at bay, and the worst of it leaks in. Maybe that's not such a bad thing, if only to be a reminder of what we're really here for.

This whole state of affairs was actually prompted by a $4.2 billion industry created to serve the needs of a conservative Christian clientele. In my opinion, the enterprise is somewhat misguided. It's the motivation that is in question. I seem to remember Jesus sending his followers out into the world - even warning them about how dangerous it was going to be - instead of trying to insulate them from it. He certainly was in the world when he was here and paid a very high price for it, I might add.

In the beginning, most of this Christian presence in the media was admirably motivated by an attempt to get the message out, but it has increasingly become a means of keeping the world out and the message in.

To be sure, it would be very nice to be able to access nothing but safe, wholesome entertainment all the time, but I believe it's going to be impossible to keep the world from leaking in. And anyway, what would be the point?

Ultimately you have to ask: What are we here for? Are we here to have the nicest, safest life possible, or are we here to follow Jesus into the danger zone of the world around us in order to demonstrate his love? It's my understanding that Jesus wants Christians in the world and not so out of it. He never said it would be safe. He even prayed for the protection of his followers because he knew it wouldn't be."

“My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.” (John 17:15)

8:50 AM  

sorry i didn't include the background.....fischer was in an airport when he saw this on tv - the christians were outraged that stern's show was what they had unintentionally tuned in to. (i know, bad grammar....whatever)

fischer said that he found himself chuckling aloud at the irony. cue article exerpt.

8:53 AM  

Hey Anna! Hope you're doing well.
I skimmed through a little of the blog you read and so far I am agreeing with what Melinda (and you) are saying.

8:19 PM  

you guys never update!!!! i just like to have live links on my page... i'd delete Marty if he weren't in an office next to me every day... :)

2:42 PM  

Hey, girl. Glad to hear from you. I am up in VA right now signing papers on the house. Will officiallly move end of May (not too far away) and will start in Portsmouth on June 12th. We need to get together. Close on the house probably June 18th. Staying at my sisters house now and until we move into the new house. You have my cell????

3:05 PM  

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