Thoughts while Traveling


The New York Yankees have the best record in the majors right now.
There are those who will read that and rejoice.
There are those who will read that and weep.

Those who rejoice- know that I am rejoicing with you.
Those who weep- know that I pity you- unless you're a red sux fan- no pity for you. Only contempt.
posted by A. St. at 12:22 AM 2 comments


I miss blogging. It's like my emotional dumping ground. Although I try to not be too raw and explicit in my written thoughts, that's what the bog remains for me: THE DUMP. Not to be confused with the incredible furniture store here in Norfolk called THE DUMP...we love that store. As soon as we have a place to call our own and get out of our friends' hair and personal space, we are for sure going to be customers of that place. THE DUMP.

Speaking of our friends, I really feel like we are cramping their style. It's been what, 3 1/2 weeks? It's kinda rough being in such close quarters with another newlywed couple. They are doing us the hugest favor in the world...I just want to be overly gracious, and...well...that's hard for me sometimes. My name means "full of grace". Yes, my parents were smoking some kind of herb when they decided on that name for me. Perhaps parsnip, Justin thinks. Anyway, I hope it won't be much longer. The Lord has provided above and beyond all our needs so far, so we are anxious for the last few pieces of the puzzle to fall into place. Police Academy, and a fabulous little flat in the historic Ghent district of Norfolk...with a quaint porch and a little garden. I have it in my mind, the perfect place. Now all you have to do, God, is make the rent affordable, and we shall have our wish. What do you say? That's easy enough for you. I am sort of kidding...God knows my heart. Nuff said.

I am blessed. I got the job I wanted. Start tommorow morning, I will, at Regent University in the admissions office. Praise the Lord...I don't know if I have ever been so excited about going to work. I know it is the Lord's will, because quite frankly, I walked out of the interview worried if she thought I was retarted. I was worried, it wasn't my most confident of moments...but alas, I got the job. Yeah! Perhaps even more than the very adequate salary I will receive, I am very, very blessed to also receive a HUGE tuition break as a student. God, can you be more cool? ( The only thing I can think of is the affordable rent...:)I love you, Lord. Thanks again for the job.

Went to a cajun festival today. Yum. Good food and kicking music. What a great day.
posted by A. St. at 7:22 PM 0 comments


Tomorrow I turn 25. Well, it's 1:20 in the AM, so I suppose today I turn 25- but I've never much appreciated those people who are so quick to correct "It already is tomorrow." Foolishness. It can never be tomorrow. Tomorrow is an idea. And if I haven't gone to sleep (which I haven't), I have not ended one day- so how can I start another? There, tomorrow I turn 25. Well, at least people in mountain and pacific timezones are with me.
I'm trying to grasp this aging thing and what it means to me. I'm tempted to say "another year and I've still not done it." Now, let me quickly address anyone who might read that and say "My goodness- they've been married over a year... surely they've..." Kindly remove your mind from the gutter (pervs) and join the rest of us who are wrestling with the deeper meanings of our lives. Regardless of what Porky's or the American Pie trilogy may tell you, there is more to life. (And yes, we have)
I mean I haven't done "it." That thing to accomplish which will validate my existence and leave my mark on the world. The purpose. The thing I am supposed to do. Am I alone in feeling that I should have already arrived? At least by now? Is it the inexperience and the naivete of youth that makes me look at 25 as ancient? And yet I don't feel inexperienced or young.
I think what spurned this on was my wife asking me where I thought I'd be at this age, ten years ago. I knew where I'd be. I'd be famous- star of stage and screen with my own menagerie of award statues.
But where would I be? Really.
I guess if I were there now, then it would have taken me a little while to get there- which means I would have missed out on the biggest parts of my life. The lessons anyway. I wouldn't be the same person and I doubt I would've handled all that fluff. Probably would've taken it too seriously. Whenever I think about all the things I wanted and want to be, and I start adding in all the things I want to do, and then what it would feel like to have and be all those things, and how great it all would/should/could be- if only... I hear my Dad.
I mean that in both senses of the word- my Heavenly Father speaking through my earthly Pops. I remember a sermon of his. "If you ever want to feel depressed- read Ecclesiastes. Also, if your soul tugs at you because the pride is settling in- read Ecclesiastes." Read what someone whose grass is green has to say is meaningless. My bible has headings and it goes through each meaningless thing. It really breaks it down.
We just think we're sooo smart sometimes. I know I do. And maybe I am, but compared to what and to what end and what's it worth, really? And I have dreams that make my heart swell and ache, and my fingers tingle, and my head swim, and keep me up at night, and it would leave me more naked than I already feel to share them here, and are based on great intentions- but compared to what and to what end and what's it worth, really?
I know God gives us passions, I'm just becoming more aware of how they can be altered by humanity. Many people dream big about what they can do for His Kingdom- but I wonder how many times we dream those things and ever consider that we remain anonymous. Ouch- but think about it.
I don't know what this has to do with getting older. I know it's another battle- yet another of many in this war. And my aging semi-responsible self is trying to tell my rambunctious self that we are learning and must make adjustments accordingly, while my youth is struggling for youth's sake- denying the aging process and trying desperately to cling to a freedom that not only doesn't exist, but is more binding than the freedom I have. And then there's the part of me that feels that I won't get to be very old and that maybe these are my middle-ages.

And maybe it's just because I know I'm not getting a slip-n-slide. Why would I? I'm 25.
posted by A. St. at 1:20 AM 0 comments


Listen to a preview to new worship album recorded by our friends Phil, Marty, and Des at in Phil's blog. It's a great song...a blessing. Can't wait to hear the rest of the album.

Justin is 25 tommorow. That's weird. It was ten years ago that he first had a crush on me. heehee...what a wacked out journey we have been through, Street. I love you and I am very very glad that you were born.

posted by A. St. at 1:05 PM 1 comments


Life is so fragile. I have learned that the hard way. I learned it through a storm that blew my world apart, brought me to the reality that I, in fact, MAY not believe in a God after all. Now, I must follow that statement with another one. Since that time, I have been proven by my Creator that He IS just that. God. And so much more. Faithful. Provider. Artist.

The throws of grief that were once as much a part of me as my big toe...are not whipping and crashing over me in a relentless pursuit of my demise anymore. They now come in gentle and much less violent waves that leave me sad and yet at the same time,reflective. In a good way. Like looking down into a pond and seeing my reflection and knowing that I have been so blessed. And so loved. It leaves me grateful. And hoping. I have been given at little cost to me so much love. And not just the kind of love we see in movies with fabulous soundtracks that make us feel gooey inside and make us cry a little. A love that surpasses all. LOVE IS...GOD IS...LOVE IS...GOD IS...

Read a word straight from the Lord today. For my friend, and yet for me, too.

Life’s Storms

The thunder sounded in the distance as my dad and I exchanged smiles. Hearing the summons, we both rose and took our places on the deck. Side by side we sat in silence relishing the first movements of nature’s symphony.

The wind carried to us the sweet promise of rain. The lightening danced to a rhythm it alone could hear. The clouds rolled like an ocean over our heads.

While the storm proclaimed nature’s untamed beauty, I sat in perfect peace in daddy’s arms and tears of contentment collected in my eyes.

From the beginning, Dad was determined that his child would not inherit fear. “There is nothing to fear,” he would say as he scooped me up and carried me out to our chair. Over the decades, I grew to savor storms—they were an invitation to rest with my daddy.

Dad’s arms can no longer hold me—I am reminded of that reality every time I hear a distant thunder. But Another still sits near me when the winds beat against my life.

Life’s storms are rather impolite. They neither consider our calendars nor consult our hearts. Without requesting permission they simply come.

But each time they come, our Father God smiles and whispers, “There is nothing to fear.”

As the earth shakes and our dreams crumble, God extends to us His strong arms. As the wind howls and our faith trembles, God offers to hide us in Himself.

Life’s storms issue to us an invitation to rest with Father God. Nestled securely in His eternal embrace, even the most furious storm can not crush our fragile hearts.

Reflection Questions

One ~ Our natural tendency is to try to be strong when life’s storms disrupt our existence. Sit alone with your Father God for a few moments. Picture yourself nestled under His strong arm and give yourself permission to be weak in His presence.

Two ~ In that power-filled place of dependence, meditate on this scripture prayer taken from Psalm 91.1-4, 14-15
I choose to dwell in Your shelter, Most High God.
I rest in Your almighty shadow.
You are my refuge and my fortress. You are my God and I trust You.
You will save me from the enemy’s schemes and attacks.
You cover me with Your feathers, under Your wings I find refuge.
Your faithfulness is my shield, I will not be afraid.
I love You Lord. I believe You will rescue me and protect me.
I call on You today and I know You will answer me.
You are with me in this time of trouble. I wait for Your deliverance.

Three ~ One of the healthiest choices we can make when we are overwhelmed with life’s storms is to intentionally offer prayers for others who are also in crisis. Consider the tremendous needs of others today. Pray Psalm 91 over their lives. Ask God to be the dwelling place of the homeless, to provide rest for the weary, to be a fortress for the abused.
Amen to that. What a challenge. Why don't I just get out of my selfish world for one minute and pray this promise over others in crisis that I love. God, you are faithful and you will do it.

posted by A. St. at 10:56 PM 0 comments


So I have gotten some very good news and an answer to prayer this week. I have been accepted to Regent University in the School of Communication and the Arts for the fall semester! Praise the Lord!If anybody is reading this and doesn't know me, you wouldn't understand what a big deal this is to me...that I have been struggling for a few years after graduating college about what path to take. The Lord has closed many doors, and I was at peace with that. Finally a door has been opened!I believe this is going to be a huge step in figuring out(or rather following) what I am specifically called to do. I have many passions. I also have many gifts. However, "to whom much is given, much is required.." I believe this to be the truth, and lately it has been weighing on my heart. God and I have been battling this one out. Well, (as usual) it's probably been more ME fighting and God being steadfast. He always is. I want be used. I have gone through a season of my life this past year where I have been brought face to face with my flesh and my humanness. It has been a rough year, but God has been putting me back together from a million torn and broken pieces. I am almost ready again for battle. Thank, you, my Father, for giving me this past year to rest and to be healed by you. Continue to pour your grace upon my life, for I am so unworthy to be your servant. Show me your way, Lord.

My husband was in New Jersey last weekend and I went with Caroline and Dusty to a new church. We are praying that the Lord will lead us to a God-honoring church. We were given a word from a Spiritual mentor before we moved from Charlotte that I believe was straight from God. He told us not to necessarily follow a denomination, but to just let the Lord lead us to a God-honoring church where we will grow and be used. I know He will. He may already have done it.

I was blessed in this church last Sunday. God really spoke to me through the powerful message and testimonies. The pastor and his wife are Australian, and I must say hearing that beautiful accent again made me miss my friend Sarah a lot. Alot. I need to call her.
Anyways, my notes from the message are all over this paper I am looking at. I will try to
put them into a logical format so somebody else can get it besides me. :

JOHN 8:1-11

Remember, this is the story of the accused woman caught in the act of adultry and about to be stoned by the teachers of the law and the Pharisees. They used this situation to trap Jesus to have a basis to accuse him, because the "law" said to stone such sinner.
vs 6:
"...but Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger..."

What was he writing? Nobody knows. Whatever it was, it must have been powerful enough to make them pause. Perhaps it was words such as MERCY AND GRACE, perhaps it was their OWN names that committed the same act of adultery...???
"If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her."
vs. 8
"Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground."

"Jesus straightened up and asked her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?"
"No one, sir", she said. "Then neither do I condemn you," Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin."

There are three kinds of people in this story:

1. THE LAW BREAKER (woman---all of humanity)
*caught in the act
***we are all guilty. Remember Barrabus? We are all like him. Guilty and yet set free.

2. THE LIFE TAKER (religious spirits, pharisees)
*blind to their own sins
*judging others
*trying to institutionalize accountability-a manmade effort to measure out grace


~Life givers will often be accused of compromising
~Life givers see past the sin and see the person

~Life givers attract others
~Life Takers repel others

~Life givers will ALWAYS enrage and upset life-takers.

posted by A. St. at 11:44 AM 2 comments


When you spend the majority of your time with another human for over a year, it's hard to revert back to the old life; to navigate independently as you once were able to. I used to pride myself on my independence, and yet now I realize that I have given that up..surrendered to a mutual dependence. That statement could hold a negative vibe for some, and honestly, it did for me for a while. And yet, here I sit with the truth...and I appreciate, even enjoy this much better. I found myself conversing with you often in my head, because I am so accustomed to our dialogue. Even tonight, you were in my head, offering your two-cents here and there. At Krispy Kreme (the fat dude with dozen hot ones shoveling away), deciding on the movie (no need to mention what would have been said...),picking out candy at the candy store(chocolate covered macadamia nuts or sour patch kids?),ets, etc...It's those little moments that I cherished tonight, in your absence. I don't even think I want to know what you were up to in New Jersey with those nuts you are with, but I hope you are having a good time. I just miss your presence beside me, me lover(have to read that with an Irish accent).

I know I said in my last blog that I would tell of the pee incident. Sadly, however, it has lost it's sparkle. It is not as amusing a story as it once was, so I think I will forego the unforunate yet admirable tale. I must say, though, that I am proud of my ability to urinate in a cup and not miss. I hope that is not too crass a thing to say...what am I talking about, my mother will never (hoefully) read this. I can hear the gasp even now. Anyways, I was pleased with my abilty to do so. It was one for the memory books, that's for sure.

I had much quiet time today. When does that happen? Today it did. Loved it. Twas a great thing.I can't believe we live here, in a new state. The craziness of it all makes perfect sense. Goes to show...something? Must be meant to be? I am looking forward to the story unfolding before us.

I believe I am getting sleepy. Perhaps the rambling for tonight is wrapping up. "Goodnight, my someone, goodnight, my love..."
posted by A. St. at 12:51 AM 0 comments


So I peed in a cup in my car in the ghetto tonight. It is now 1:17 AM after a long journey and even a long I must save the horrific story for tommorow, O blogger. Justin and I are officially moved and now residents of Virginia. Please pray that the Lord continues to take each step before us and specifically guide the way.He will! So far, so good. (More on that later as well. Jesus, you are my hero.
posted by A. St. at 1:16 AM 0 comments